Ashley Usich-Iha, founder/designer of Fawn Baby, and mama to Henry (6) and Hazel (5)

I had my first child, Henry, in January of 2012 and by February 2013 my daughter Hazel was born!
I am an identical twin, so Ifve always grown up with a built in best friend, but it was still definitely a shock being pregnant back to back and came with its own set challenges.
Taking care of a young toddler while 9 months pregnant was a learning experience (I used a side sling to carry him on my hip since my stomach was out of the question!), and then after Hazel was born, any sense of gI know what Ifm doingh went out the window.
The early days were blurry, messy, and hard, but the magical thing is my son doesnft even remember life without his little sister.
Being only about a year apart means that they are quite similar in growth stages and emotional/social needs.
We were done with diapers and baby bottles in just a few short years, and my children are best friends.
They share a bedroom and bunk beds now (putting them to bed is a snap!), and while they are two very different children with different interests, friends and hobbies, they are so happy to play together (and of course fight together). I couldnft ask for anything better.
May 14th, 2018